A Fitness Journey Tailored to Your Lifestyle

At FTS Fitness we believe that your fitness journey has to be one you embark and enjoy for the rest of your life . We tailor each fitness journey based on science and your existing lifestyle, so you never have that urge to quit.






We don’t believe you have to give up sugar or alcohol or carbs or dessert or have to eat during certain timings. We prescribe everything in moderation in accordance to your body goals and requirements. Your nutrition needs to be all inclusive, and then only will you be able to stick to it; the moment you have conditions of exclusion whether types of food or timings, you’re developing a bad relationship with food.


Our workout programs are custom made according to your body type and goals, and target your muscles and energy systems to quickly adapt and improve. Whether it is fat loss, muscle gain, stamina, endurance, or strength training, our programs ensure progressive overload to make sure the body hasn’t adapted to your routine. If you’re putting in the work, might as well make it count. Constant Renovation💫.


We do not put a timeline on fitness, so don’t ask us how long our program is for. You continue with us till either you are satisfied with your body OR till you’re dissatisfied with our programming. There will come a time where either you have reached your goal, or you have learnt to listen to your body so well that you won’t need us anymore and we strive for that.


In addition to all the above, we will look to host retreats, bootcamps, nightlife experiences, fitcations and much much more that brings to you the balance we believe in.

Leveraging Technology:
The Power of Our Fitness Coaching App

Customised Workout Plans at Your Fingertips

Your personalised workout plans will be shared directly on the app. Simply log in to view your customised program for the month, complete with detailed notes, exercises, sets, and reps tailored to your fitness level and goals.

Effortless Workout Tracking

Our app allows you to log your workouts, including weights, reps, and exercise history, with just a few taps on your smartphone. By tracking your performance over time, you can monitor your improvement through the exercise history and stay motivated to push your limits.

Visual Progress Tracking

Through the app, you can visually track your progress by capturing photos and recording body measurements. Watch as your hard work pays off and your transformation unfolds before your eyes, all conveniently stored in one place for easy reference.

Personalised Nutrition Guidance

Our app features a dedicated nutrition section where you can view your customised meal plans crafted by our expert nutritionist. Track your meals, monitor your macros, and stay on track towards achieving your nutritional goals effortlessly.

The Human Touch: Elevating Your Fitness
Experience with Personalized Support

While technology empowers you to take control of your fitness journey, it’s our team of dedicated coaches and experts who truly make the difference. Here’s how we infuse the human touch into every aspect of your experience:

One-on-One Onboarding and Consultations

When you join our program, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with Avinash himself, who will guide you through a detailed and informative onboarding call. Post this session, he’ll sit with you 1-1, get to know you, understand your goals, and tailor a fitness plan that suits your individual needs and preferences and most importantly your lifestyle.

Daily Check-ins and Support

Our commitment to your success extends beyond the gym. Our team of senior coaches and nutritionists is here for you every step of the way, providing daily support and guidance through check-ins via WhatsApp. Whether you have questions about your workouts, nutrition, or simply need a motivational boost, we’re just a message away. Every 10 days you will do a detailed checkin with your assigned coach.

Monthly Review and Adjustments

Progress isn’t just about moving forward – it’s about continuously evolving and improving. That’s why the FTS Team conducts your monthly review call with you, to assess your progress, address any challenges, see what worked and what didn’t and make necessary adjustments to your next workout block and nutrition plan, ensuring that you stay on track towards achieving your goals.

Building Lasting Connections

At FTS, we’re more than just a coaching service – we’re a community. We believe in the power of human connection and strive to build meaningful relationships with our clients based on trust, support, and encouragement. When you join us, you’re not just another client – you’re part of our fitness family.

Checkout some of our
Specialised Programs

FTS Transformation

The signature program where we discuss your lifestyle, injuries, allergies, goals and history, and then program your workouts and nutrition to take you to your goals. No restrictions, we teach you how to navigate, use and manipulate inputs like sugar, alcohol etc to your advantage if it’s part of your life.

FTS Post Partum

This has fast become our speciality. We take into account extra calories for breast feeding, ease the new mom back into the movements, make the workouts easy to do whenever they get the time, and ofcourse take the necessary precautions incase of any ab separation.

FTS Strength Program

Not for the weak hearted, this is a 3 month program aimed to increase strength on your main 5 lifts. You will be eating lots, resting lots and putting on size, by be cautioned the workouts are mentally hard as you will be doing the same lifts over and over again as we increase percentages each week.

FTS Lehnga Bod

Wedding szn fav, exactly like the above but a little more aggressive leading up to d-day; with more emphasis on leaning down for the ladies and more emphasis on filling out the suit for the boys.

FTS Bikini Bod

Have a beach holiday lined up? This one is a quick 2 month shred where we up the ante and get a little more strict with nutrition; but it will pay off to see those cuts shine, on the insta thirst traps


FTS Summer Shred

Have a beach holiday lined up? This one is a quick 2 month shred where we up the ante and get a little more strict with nutrition; but it will pay off to see those cuts shine, on the insta thirst traps


Weight Lifting








Personal Training



Corporate Wellness

Client Testimonials

About the Founder

Avinash Mansukhani is a Body Recomposition And Transformation Specialist. He believes in a sustainable way of living and helps you reach your health goals, keeping in mind your lifestyle, injuries, allergies and food preferences, without making you give up on the foods and exercises you love. Having undergone a major transformation himself without having to ever give up on carbs, sugar, alcohol and having his clients to do the same he believes he understands all the tools and tricks to deal with different mindsets and body types to help you enjoy your fitness journey. ”No quick fixes, no magic, just a little dedication and patience. If you can’t do it everyday it’s not worth it.”